National Art Education Associate Convention
Hello Everyone,
Long time no see. I am sorry that I haven't been writing latley. I have been so busy with life. I was doing my underdraguate degree, working part-time and finally working on my master's on Environment and Management. I am currently working on my thesis at the moment. The pictures above show the art creations I have created during the NAEA Art Convention that happened last week. The firt picture is "The Conceptual Art Game" using graph paper or circle grid invovling instructions to create unique art. The several images consist of loom cardboard DIY project that anyone can do them at. The hand puppet is "Kevin, Minion" done with construction paper, markers, and crayons. Lastly, 'The Peacock" done using watercolors new brushes by Dewent. I hope you enjoy. Great to see you guys. Xoxo Didi