My Grandmother

I will tell you about my grandmother or whom I call Dadi, because she is an elder and you need to respect people who are older than you. She lives in Punna, India with her husband in an apartment.

Her name is Margaret Bhatty. She was born in Nagarpat on Oct 5, 1930. She had many siblings, including one named Florrie or as I call her, Auntie Flo. When the sisters gather at home, they will be telling jokes. They are funny, because they tell the family about funny incidents in their lives.

My grandmother is a journalist and writer in India. My grandmother writes everyday in her office. She writes stories for children, as well as for adults. One of her stories for adults is called The Evil Empire, about the president of evil empire planning to destroy Planet Earth and other galactic civilizations one by one, like candles. Niti and Yash have to think of something before this happens. Niti and Yash are junior space veterans of the tourist sort, having travelled by space shuttle to visit friends and relations in India.

Sometimes my grandmother is a little bossy, like my dad, but I see her as humorous as well.
When we watch a dancing competition, she usually says, “Ah how vulgar.” Then my aunt says to her, “Mama, you don’t have to watch this you know.” But Dadi will continue to watch unless someone changes the channel. I guess she does so because she finds some parts of the show hilarious.

Everyone in my in future generations of my family will hear about Margaret Bhatty, the journalist and writer. Her stories will inspire people to keep on writing and spread their stories around the world. I think that someone in our bloodline will someday become a writer just like her.
