
Showing posts from November, 2008

Evil in the planet Tyrannus

The moment my grandmother gave me a book to read, I really didn’t want to read it. However, I decided to flip the pages: that’s when I saw my name in the book. I realized that it was dedicated to me. So, I decided to ready the book in order to make my grandmother really happy. In the beginning of the story, the narrative tells you about a group of people on a space ship, traveling around space when they suddenly are pulled in by a planet named Tyrannus led, by an evil president named Nimo. I thought my grandmother was writing about an evil man leading an empire similar to Adolf Hitler taking over every country in his path in World War II. As I started to read it, I felt hatred for the things Nimo was about to do. For instance, he would send his workers tied to bomb and drop them on a city on Planet Earth, and sending missiles with a fixed target if people refused to surrender. The president of Tyrannus didn’t really care about what people would say it h...

My Grandmother

I will tell you about my grandmother or whom I call Dadi, because she is an elder and you need to respect people who are older than you. She lives in Punna, India with her husband in an apartment. Her name is Margaret Bhatty. She was born in Nagarpat on Oct 5, 1930. She had many siblings, including one named Florrie or as I call her, Auntie Flo. When the sisters gather at home, they will be telling jokes. They are funny, because they tell the family about funny incidents in their lives. My grandmother is a journalist and writer in India. My grandmother writes everyday in her office. She writes stories for children, as well as for adults. One of her stories for adults is called The Evil Empire, about the president of evil empire planning to destroy Planet Earth and other galactic civilizations one by one, like candles. Niti and Yash have to think of something before this happens. Niti and Yash are junior space veterans of the tourist sort, having t...