
Showing posts from April, 2009

My Writing

“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.”- Cyril Connolly My writing for many people means a whole different language. They say, “This doesn’t make any sense at all”, or, “What are really trying to say?” I never have taken anyone’s suggestions because I like my writing as it is. The reason my writing seems to be a different language is because of the way I am; and when I read other peoples’ essays I usually don’t understand them. I think the words that they use in an essay makes it confusing for me, but not for others. My writing, in reality, is my language, a language that no one understands except me. When I write an essay I know what I am saying, but others say that it doesn’t make sense. This makes me feel that my essays are bad. When I entered Dr. Sirias’s class, however, his comments and advice started changing my writing. People began to love my essays and they even began to say that my writing...